It was an experiment -- could the Vision Project draw in folks who hadn't yet participated by holding the meeting on a Saturday morning instead of a weekday evening?
Yes! More than half of the 60 or so attendees on Saturday raised their hands to indicate that they had not been to the first meeting in February.
Fortified by coffee and Grateful Bread bagels, participants got an orientation to where we are in the process and a preview of survey results. (Quick summary: this was the 2nd of 3 community meetings; the last will be in July at which the vision will be presented. The survey has over 700 respondents and will be open through April 17.)
Then, we broke into nine small groups and reviewed "alternative futures" in various categories (commercial development, transportation, residential areas), snipping out and editing statements and photos that resonated with the groups' thinking. Each group pasted items on a big sheet to create a "storyboard" of their draft vision to share with the entire group of participants, along with a brief vision statement.
Participants were constructive, creative, and enthusiastic and the groups clearly shared many common elements in their visions and storyboards.
Working together with the Vision Project steering committee, Makers architecture+urban planning will now pull together a cohesive document reflecting the input from the meetings and the survey, to be shared in July with the community at large.
We will post interim results of the meetings on this blog soon.
Thank you for your participation!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Excellent meeting! 60 attend on Saturday a.m.
community input,
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